Saturday, June 23, 2018

Home remedies for cold and cough

Easy and Effective Home remedies for cold and cough


Cold and cough are very common especially during changes in weather. Here are some effective remedies to treat cold and cough at home.  Try them as that they are free of side effects and made from easily available at home ingredients.

 1. Ginger: Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help to relive cold and cough.

Method: grate some ginger and boil it in water. Sip this water 2-3 times a day. You can add honey to it or even better add the grated ginger to green tea or regular chai. The aroma and taste of ginger is wonderful. Another way is to simply chop small pieces of ginger and chew on them very gently to get a long lasting effect.

2. Warm milk with turmeric: This is an age old method to treat cold and cough. Turmeric derives its powerful anti-inflammatory properties from curcumin. Besides, turmeric is also an antiviral and antibacterial. Thus it is efficient to relieve the cold and cough symptoms. It also helps in falling asleep at night.

Method: Add a pinch of turmeric in a cup of milk and let it come to boil.  Drink it hot to warm.

3. Herbal tea: It is tea made from a mixture of lemon grass also, ginger, cinnamon and tulsi. Lemon grass is also called ‘citronella grass’ or ‘gavati chaha’. It has strong anti-bacteria, anti-oxidant properties and also acts as an energy booster to alleviate the exhaustion experienced while suffering from cold and cough.

Method:  Add  a few chopped leaves of lemon grass, grated ginger, 2-3 sticks of cinnamon, 3-4 tulsi leaves to a cup of water. Give it a boil, strain and your tea is ready. You can add honey to make it tastier. You can also add this mixture to green tea or chai.

4. Garlic: It has sulphur and other ingredients that act as an antiviral.

Method: Use clarified butter or ghee to sauté a few chopped buds of garlic. You can eat as it is or add it to your soup.

5. Honey: Honey has been used to treat cold and cough since a long time.  It coats the irritated throat and acts as a cough suppressant. It reduces night time cough and helps to sleep better.

Method: You can take 1 teaspoon of honey 2-3 times a day. You can also add honey to your tea to make it tastier.

6. Warm salt gargles: This is useful to treat a sore throat which accompanies the cough.
Method: Add a pinch of salt, you can also add a pinch of turmeric being an antibacterial, to warm water and gargle with it.

7. Pepper: Pepper has capsaicin which thins out the mucus and relieves congested nasal passages.
Method: Add crushed pepper to your soup or meal or smell pepper to relieve a bad stretch of coughing. 

8. Steam inhalation with Eucalyptus oil: Eucalyptus oil contains ingredients like eucalyptol that makes it antimicrobial and acts as a decongestant.

Method:  Add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil to bowl of boiling water, place a thick towel over your head and breathe in the vapors for 5-10 minutes.  Or you can apply a few drops of the oil to the handkerchief and inhale it for easier breathing.

9. Chicken soup: Chicken soup is rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, silicon and sulphur and proteins that make it a nutritious and anti-inflammatory food with a boost to the immune system. You can add chopped garlic and powdered pepper to add flavor and enhance its properties.

10. Warm water:  Our body is easily dehydrated as we suffer from cold and cough due to fluid loss. So it is important to increase the intake of water. Drink only water that is luke-warm at regular intervals. Also increase water consumption through soups and stews.

11. Rest and sleep:  The importance of rest and sleep cannot be stressed enough. Getting eight hours of uninterrupted sleep at night will definitely reduce the intensity of cold and cough making you feel better in a shorter duration.  

Home remedies for cold and cough

Easy and Effective Home remedies for cold and cough Cold and cough are very common especially during changes in...